Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Dad Hopes

I am neither the best or the worst dad that has ever existed. I know I have the best chance of influencing my three kids to be decent human beings, but sometimes it feels like a lost cause. All I have are my hopes. Here there are:

I hope my kids grow up to:

Enter a room asking questions

Wonder about the world around them

Exercise enough to be able to eat treats

Look people in the eyes

Treat all people with respect

Drive a 1965 Ford Mustang once

Feel like they can pursue any occupation they want (even law)

Fight for justice (even if that means getting punched in the face)

Not be afraid of homeless people 

Eat whatever food somebody serves them

Hold my hand when I am old

Stick up for each other

Love music

Read an actual book (not an ebook) every now and again

Search out God

Become makers of fine whiskey (ok this one is selfish)

Meet partners who make them laugh

Have a manageable level of anxiety

Prove once and for all the Loch Ness Monster is real

Own a deep fryer

Have long-lasting meaningful relationships

Shave their heads at least once

Fail a lot and worry about it just a little

Invent something as good as bacon but better for you

Set a record in something 

Find the cure for Irritable Bowl Syndrome (everyone should eat real ice cream)

Have the honor of being bestowed with an awesome nickname

Never meet Justin Bieber

Meet Justin Timberlake

Watch every episode of the Simpsons

Know the names of different types of clouds

Get a ticket to the Oscars (or sneak in)

Visit the bottom of the ocean